I consider myself as very a curious person with a great capacity to be surprised; that’s perhaps what makes me see the world through the viewfinder of my camera and allows me to explore everything that attracts my attention, and to a certain extent enter that which remains hidden, awaiting to be discovered. Throughout my career as a photographer, I have developed a number of series that embody my overall interest in the human condition, the pictures places man in his own environment as he goes about his daily business. It could be considered as a photo-documentary although; it is not my aim to document anything but a self-portrait. The images form a poetics of the mundane as it is precisely in the commonplace of the day-to-day where man leaves a deep and enormous trace of his existence, seeking to achieve the right balance between reality and mystery.
In my concern, photography is that commonplace where a simple gesture becomes poetry.
Pedro Abascal.